Saturday, September 04, 2010

We Get What We Ask For

Graeme is gone.

The reality of that is starting to truly sink in 24 hours later. Now he isn't gone forever, just gone until the federal government says he is allowed back in. Here is hoping that is sometime before March 27...our planned wedding date.

Most of my friends look at our story and then look at me and smile with this cheshire cat grin and slyly remind me that over the past 6 or 7 years I have been patiently waiting and in that waiting asking God for a crazy story. Asking God for a love story that would not only shape my life but the lives around me. This is exactly our story. Not only are Graeme and I being shaped by this path we are having to walk, but so are those closest to us.

I think it is safe to say that we have both been left in a state of awe for how much support and encouragement we are being given as we walk into these next 5 months or more apart and for that I will be eternally grateful. With this time I also believe we both have been handed a gift. He gets a chance to really soak in time at home with family and friends...his home...his country. I get time with the women and people who have made a great impact on my life; significantly those who have stood beside me these last 5 years. The pain of being apart of course will be great, but it just makes the reunion that much sweeter.

I asked for a crazy story and crazy is what I am getting. With crazy comes a cost, but the rewards to me far outweigh the cost.