Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I wondered if the moment would ever come to pass
Or was it just wishful thinking that you would succeed
I wanted you to fly
I wanted you to soar
I wanted you to be everything and more
I strolled along the shore of a foreign sea
Reflecting on you and me
Thinking of the silly things
The foolish things
The genuine moments that slipped right on by us
Who would have thought you and me would turn out this way
Who would have thought me this brave
I would not change it for anything
I would not take back the moments
I would not give them to any one who asked
It has become my beginning
Each day is new and holds with it an adventure
It is the mystery I choose to live out
I wondered if the moment would ever come to pass
And now I can say with all certainty that it has

*Photo by Mr. Dan Cook


broadwaybabe said...

beutiful simply beutiful

Anonymous said...

So fun! Are the back left?
