Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Views from this Side

Often I am standing somewhere waiting...I catch myself doing it all day. Waiting for the bus, waiting for an elevator, waiting for someone to pick up the phone, waiting for the minutes to pass me by. But I was caught in an extreme moment of waiting this morning. I was walking along the street to catch my bus and as I am doing so I watch the first bus I can catch fly by and then a few seconds later the second bus I can take flies by. I have yet to make it to the bus stop. Since coming to live in New Zealand I have come to a place of not rushing, not pushing, not being worried about the things I can not control. As of right now looking down the road I realize I can't make either bus come back, so I press forward to wait 10 minutes or so for the next bus. I arrive at the stop and look to my right. The sky looks like it is on fire. New Zealand mornings have become some of my favorite in the world. It is watching the cloud formations pass me by and hit the first light of day and then it explodes into color. I take my camera everywhere and decided to see if I could capture a few shots. I got a few...nothing compared to the real thing, then I put my camera away and leaned against the wall as the clouds began to change and the colors began to grow. Every time I am caught waiting somewhere and looking up at the sky I can not help but get a rush of meeting my Maker. I can only imagine what these views look like from His perspective. I remembered sitting with an old professor and talking about our love for sunrises and sunsets and what a treasured gift they are from the Maker to His children. I am waiting a lot these days, but I don't mind so much, because the views from where I am standing are pretty spectacular.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

True North

Nothing will ever be the same

I tend to be a person of change

Yet sometimes I just wish things would stay the same

Looking behind

Looking forward

The truth is inevitable

Things will never stay the same

Pain happens

Joy enters in

Offence will occur

Looking to You the True North

Will be what stays the same

But this life of change

This life of change will continue to change

Things will never be the same

Going forward is the only option

Looking behind will do nothing

Nothing but lay the foundation for what is to come

So here is to you change

Here is to you and all you bring

Here is to the joys and anguish you bring

This rain of change has never felt so refreshing

Here is to you My True North

My constant in the change

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Inscription Sur Le Mur

Do you ever stare up into the sky

Or look down with a certain demise

Wonder how it came about

And what you will now do without

It was not always clear

It was never black and white

There was no writing on the wall

Only reminders of you and me

Any run I took

The sight of a familiar view

A certain make and model of a car

A color

The cord within my favorite song

The writing was never on the wall

It was never black and white

Until perhaps it was to too late

You waited

I blocked

You opened up

I closed off

You would have run anywhere with me

Now I am subject to running it alone

Familiar views and all

I am left with but a simple memory

Looking up at the sky

Just my simple memory and I

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Indpendence Day

It was the Fourth of July here yesterday and it is currently the Fourth of July at home. One of my favorite holidays...in the top three for sure. I think it became one of my favorite during my childhood. Most Fourth of July's that I think back on have some of favorite memories wrapped up in them. I was usually at the beach. It would be a warm day, the town or city filled with people. I met Meg Ryan on a Fourth of July, the summer I worked in a candy store. One year I got to sit right where they were lighting the fireworks off on the beach. I used to spend all day in the sun and water, have a BBQ in the afternoon, then watch the sunset, and watch anywhere from between 2 to 8 firework shows going on! It is a special day. It has become a special place in my year. I tend to reflect on how far I have come based on the Fourth of July. In a weird way this is my New Year's. A time of looking back on goals, a time to set new goals. I have come a long way in this last year. Much farther than I thought I would in so many ways! Regardless of where you are in the world and considering yourself an American...Happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Solid All The Way Through

This life. This life right here I do not understand. I am not angry. I am not bitter. I just don't understand. I want more words than this. I want more understanding than the large brick wall in front of me. I run into them all the time. I have gotten good at walking away from them and finding another way. But this life. This life right here. I do not understand.