Monday, July 31, 2006

With Love From Me

Dear You...
Since writing you a letter is impossible at this time here is my poor attempt at letting you know.
Thank you for helping to create some of the best memories of my life
Thank you for pursuing me the way every girl dreams of being pursued
Thank you for taking the time to listen
Thank you for the taking the time
Thank you for being vulnerable
I hope one day you will love your Mum just a bit more with your eyes wide open
I hope you will care for her the way she deserves to be cared for
I hope you become the big brother I know you can be
I hope you do stay single for a while and really look at you alone for a while
I pray you continue to write
I pray you continue to use your photography skills to bless others
I hope you know one day that I loved you, but you see...
I walked away because I began to love who I saw you becoming rather than who you were
It was not fair to you and so for the benefit of you and me, I left.
No man wants to be loved for who they could be, but for who they are.
So this is my letter to you.
May you have a wonderful life whever you go.
Good night to you.

With Love From Me

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