Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Life is full of
light and shadow
O the joy and O the sorrow
O the sorrow

And yet will He bring
Dark to light
And yet will He bring
Day from night

When shadows fall on us
We will not fear
We will remember

When darkness falls on us
We will not fear
We will remember

When all seems lost
When we're thrown
and we're tossed
We remember the cost
We rest in Him
Shadow of the cross
Shadows, David Crowder Band

I have been listening to this song all week (thanks Em and Christian!) and I just can't seem to shake it. The lyrics may be simple, but they pack a punch. A punch that is worth remembering.

1 comment:

glovesjesus2008 said...

I <3 David Crowder. Going to see him in concert on Nov 20th. :)

Hope you have an awesome day, Noelle!